Friends. The Best of Times.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Where are they?

I've been looking through my old high school yearbook, and read some interesting notes about my high school classmates. Even more interesting is the looks of my high school peeps during our high school days. Some look a bit cool, some are cool, some not so cool, and apparently, a lot of stupid/funny looking pictures.

After a couple of minutes scanning my yearbook, I was beginning to wonder, where are they now? What are they doing? Are they married? How do they look today? And a couple more questions keeps lingering on my head.

High school they say is the best part of your life. It is where you build those friendships with your high school buddies. A time of curiosity, testing things. Part of your life where you begin to see your individuality.

Anyways, the thing is, I'm still curious as to where are they now? Hope they're all good. And hoping to see them in the future.

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